Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Give' em hell, Little rebel

It's never been more perfect being alive, I've never been so satisfied...

I can't really grasp the concept of what a degree holds, and how future jobs are held in what degree you had. But I have sucked up the past 2 years to get my Associates in Liberal Arts and English. Soo now that I have a degree to tell myself that I love writing, here comes the future. School for what I want, passion every day. I've been searching for this 19 years. Welcome.

I'm going to go to Buffalo next week, visit my half sister. There is something in blood that is so rare. And I could use a different atmosphere with a diary, different air, energy. Tomorrow is my first meeting to that production of these shirts, I'm not sure what to bring, where to start but I will go brave and all. I like the sweet summer, where nights are spent outside, talking about these memories that I hold so close with these people that I'm afraid to leave. I got so lucky with these friends, they are more then that, they bring me out of my soul. Impossible usually.

Just leave me your stardust to remember you by...
Good luck, I hope you see intention over action. Two weeks that's all it took, and if nothing good came out of this. At least I know there is still feeling left in me. "You brought my love back from the dead..." (ah music, it identifies all the feelings you can't put words on). I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic, but I have proof that it was real. That's why I keep a diary, and now People Just Always Leave... I wish you all the luck and success in your future because you dear, deserve it. SF

I could love you...

I like the new Louie Vuittons like I can't stop...wanting. California will satisfy this clothing hunger. Living in the world of fashion, Los Angeles has it all I hope. The west coast has my heart.

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