Friday, June 11, 2010

Note to self


Ever wake up... wonder why you are here. what your purpose is, if your living it right. and what to do it next. I do.. everyday. So I put on my monday face. 


Happy June 11th. I have a lot on my plate, directionless and lost in confusion. but I am driven off indecision. Being unsure of where you go tomorrow is kind of what I live for today. The kind of feeling when you don't realize it until you are in a dark place and you look at someone with a new kind of light. Then you realize you're in love with your best friend. and that day on, you can't look at the person the same way ever again. Taking something back is impossible and that scares the shit out of me. but at the same time it keeps me awake. I never met my birth mother, and I always wondered. but that day I was contacted, there was no changing that. All those questions were answering.

I need someone with something to offer. If you have nothing, go search the ocean to the stars until you find it. Because we all have something, so dig it out. Dig.

I have plenty of time, and i'd like to pick apart your body and learn it like the back of my hand so no matter where we end up, we can map out each other so perfectly.


In the morning when I smoke my cigarettes I think of the times we spent along side, talking over coffee, frustrating over what movie to watch. you and your guitar, me and my dancing shoes we never had it right but to this day it never felt wrong.  -Rld

p u t  m e  o n  a  p l a n e  f l y  m e  t o  a n y w h e r e . .

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