Saturday, June 26, 2010

East coast vs Fashion dreams

When I was 13, along with all the other stupid quotes I wrote on my wall.. It says 'California Dreams'. And 1 week ago I found out, it is possible.

So now that this summer, is my goodbye of a summer. Reality hits in October, real fashion, real competition. I can't say I'm not scared shitless. When you are at a college that isn't a school made for people with this passion, it's easier to think you are good at it. I'm going to a school where, it's just fashion. I wonder sometimes, if this is everything I wanted?


I had such a great weekend. Me Emily and Rebecca went thrifting on Thursday,  found some pieces. Sequence dress, runway rejects tshirt and some Vincent Cammuto stunning heels. So beautiful. We had drinks in Brooklyn, Brooklyn pizza at 2am was inevitable, met some old friends in Brooklyn and walked the beautiful city that I will be 3000 miles away ... that I took such advantage of being 30 miles away. My city that never sleeps, hopping on a train at midnight and my night being unknown but always something. That night I went to a friends house late, just people in a backyard. It ended messy. Men and their strong egos results in ugly things. I wrote my admissions essay and finally finished my never ending admissions project. Now I just have to wait and wait for placement. Nerves. I went to Bamboozle road show to see a friends band. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. Third Eye Blind was there! Good Charlotte, haha It was like I was in middle school again, it was a good kind of rush.

Now as for Red Closet, we are officially a company. Red Closet Couture LLC. It is so exciting to be protected. I have been meeting with people about the future and they see such great depths in this, and understand my visions and end products and it is surprising me to deep ends. They like the work, and want in. It's hard deciding who and what to chose but I know I have to make smart decisions. My follow up meeting is on wednesday to decide on ink, and the final placements of the graphics. then I play the waiting game, and see the end result in July 28th. p a t i e n c e ...

Unknown, but I am happy.

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