Sunday, January 23, 2011

&the world spins madly on.

I needed a personal blog post:

You all have been overly gracious and incredibly welcome. I got a lot of messages regarding selling in boutiques on consignment. Also about different trunk sales, contests and just helpful hints. To me, that is what this evolving fashion world is about, spreading ideas that you enjoy so that you get a taste of everything. Red Closet to me, is my everything and I've never understood myself fully until I put this out there and realized what true passion is. I have never felt so driven before.

On a personal note; I am so tired of people saying things they don't mean. Yes, this has to do fully with my heart. Its like I got bulldozed over right where it hurts. Started to heal by something in the past, then just got bulldozed again. One because of insecurities and one because of distance, and letting themselves be unhappy because it's what they're used to. I realized something, I rekindle my past too much. Because I like stories, memories. Being in a room full of people and them not knowing exchanged words one night, spinning in streets, trips out of state, secrets that are kept in between the two waves. The mature decision I came to after my immature tantrums, oreos binges, and full putting myself into RCC; I came to realization that ALL of these past heartaches I am tied too, there once was a beginning. Two very good beginnings. All the in betweenness were so intense, but that's who I am; not them. I live for a great beginning connection, and for the whole thing to be moveilike but real. So I'll sit home and watch Garden State and sit behind my computer and start designing the new line for RCC Fall 2011. Very exciting stuff people, and the motives will be to get out my feelings of this people saying things they don't mean, and how I am so free to believe people. But honestly, it's times liek this I realize how non-genuine they were.

 "Scared of the world out there, let's go explore. Put on your shades and we'll wander the great indoors."

1) Coachella 2011 April 15-20th.
2)Drive NY to California and back May-July  for new RCC line!

The Fall 2011 line is either:
"Free Bird"
"Her Traveling Heart"
"Undiscovered discoveries"
It's all about the big world, how I want to explore it, the different people you can come across and how lovely they can all be. How your heart is tied to things like work; school; family; girlfriends; boyfriends; houses; comfort. But really you can just get up and go, you are a free bird. It's also about that endless sky feeling you get, when they just go on... especially coming from a city girl; it's something I choke up about every time. So I'm doing that, finishing school, leaving everything and just driving any direction I want with a 2 month free time period and I've never been so excited. I want a baby blue car, barely anything to bring with me, just a map. A map of undiscovered land!

Again thankyou for your breathtaking support, Red Closet Couture Best friends

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