Sunday, November 21, 2010

The shade of poison trees

It's where the water goes around and around. It's that feelings of effortlessly flowing, it just sweeps you up. It takes you away. I believe that is the right way. But what happens the other way. What happens when you push with all your might. How does it feel to ache, to dream, reach and startle yourself. 

Lord knows i'm not you,
Friends come and go. Love stays forever. Now why are you leaving me love?
I've come so far.

Sometimes I think i'm in over my head. You start with this idea, and it seems dreaming. But now that i'm in it. I can't stop, I don't want to. But don't you just wonder. It started with an account, an EIN, now I have over 8000 pictures, I have spent days, laughs and moments in this. The website went up, just with a "coming soon" but my friends insisted on drunks and wings. They have my back. I live for this. I am a warrior and this is taking over the world. Watch me.

6am sun is coming up, something tells me i'm all out of love

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