Expressing oneself is done by so many things. You can speak a certain tone and be heard a certain way, but the way you move your hands can be judged by the cats that always judge. Thoughts are kept inside, you chose what you let out. You are interpreted by the way you let interpreters interpret. You have power, more power that one assumes. The questions of ones scandals are stayed inside her brain, every night. Now fashion; fashion isn't questionable, people like different things, but no matter where your taste line crosses and how far your taste line can go, fashion is fact. There are people, like me. Who needs to wear feeling, needs to express emotion through my clothing. Emotion that is let out, through this outfit. Through this piece. Through this color, through the process of making and letting it out.

I believe in possession of daring. Taking out this frustration on your color, on your wear, on your walk.

On those days, you hide underneath your clothes, maybe they can't read what you're thinking.

The feel of everyday, but your thoughts are still and always will be spitfire and now so can your attire.

The sexiness of being alone. You can lounge, but don't just dress up for adventures, dress up for yourself. to feel womanly and sexy. Because woman, you are sexy.
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